Helping the world they left behind

Every dollar of profit (after operational expenses) is directed to funding the ongoing work of Interseed.
We’re committed to serving you and your family but also to serving people in our community and abroad who are finding life to be a struggle. We are doing this through the work of our Australian Tax Office approved charitable foundation, Interseed.
Since opening our doors we’ve been honoured to contribute to the construction of schools, orphanages and ancillary buildings in Australia, Philippines, Mongolia, Vanuatu and Nepal; contibute to an overseas program to rebuild a vocational training school flattened by cyclone Pam in Vanuatu; and a variety of Therapy and Art programs in our local region.
Read more about how the profits from every funeral are making a difference in the lives of others.
Mindful Colouring
When we say we're 'helping the world they left behind,' what does that really mean? Because Sovereign Funerals is a not-for-profit funeral company, all profits from every funeral go toward community projects right here on [...]
New Mural for Bolton Clarke Murrumba Downs
One of the reasons families choose to arrange a funeral with Sovereigns Funerals is because we're a not-for-profit funeral company. Families love knowing that, more than receiving caring and professional service at an affordable price [...]
Leisure and Lifestyle Program at Wamuran Park Home
Sovereign Funerals is a not-for-profit funeral company. That means all profits (after expenses) go towards supporting community projects locally and around the world. One of the projects supported by Sovereign Funerals is a Leisure and [...]
Moreton Bay Crisis Accommodation Project
When you arrange a funeral with Sovereign Funerals, every dollar of profit (after covering costs) goes toward support local and international community projects. The latest project supported by Sovereign Funerals is The Moreton Bay Crisis [...]
The Sovereign Funerals Difference
It’s been a dramatic start to the new year for the funeral industry, with revelations that a Rockhampton Funeral Company has angered a local family when they allegedly swapped their Grandmother’s expensive coffin for a cheap pine [...]
A New TV Stimulates Cognition in Dementia Patients
Manager for Diversional Therapy, Elissa accepted the TV on behalf of the patients Sovereign Funerals has donated a brand new SONIQ 43” LCD Smart TV to the High Care Dementia wing of Giraween [...]
Art Therapy – Nazarene Aged Care
We are very excited to announce that Sovereign Funerals are funding a new community program through our charitable foundation, ‘Interseed.’ Every cent of profit (after expenses) from Sovereign Funerals goes toward supporting life changing projects [...]
Do you really need a Funeral Director?
A recent article published in the Sydney Morning Herald presents a rather cynical view of the funeral industry. The article, entitled “How the funeral industry preys on grieving families” by Caitlin Fitzimmons suggests a Do-it-Yourself [...]
Card Making Therapy with OzCare
Some things just shouldn't be about making money, especially arranging a funeral for your loved one. That's what makes Sovereign Funerals unique - all profits (after expenses) from every funeral go straight to our charitable [...]